All-On-4 in Brooklyn

All-on-4 dental implants are a comprehensive tooth replacement solution that involves implanting four dental implants into the jawbone to support a full arch of teeth. This innovative procedure offers a permanent and secure alternative to dentures for individuals who have lost multiple teeth or have severely compromised oral health.

Unlike traditional removable dentures, all-on-4 dental implants in Brooklyn, NY, are fixed in place and function just like natural teeth. The four titanium posts act as anchors for the prosthetic teeth, providing stability and strength. This means you can confidently bite into your favorite foods without worrying about slippage or discomfort.

Who Can Benefit From All-on-4 Implants?

  • The all-on-4 treatment is one of the unique ways in today's technology, with which we can replace an entire arch or both arches with permanent teeth in one visit. It offers a long-term solution that not only restores function but also enhances the appearance of your smile.
  • All-on-4 implants are ideal for those who have suffered from gum disease, trauma, or decay and have experienced extensive tooth loss. These implants provide a more permanent and secure alternative to traditional dentures or bridges, which are uncomfortable and unstable.
  • All-on-4 implants are particularly beneficial for patients with weak jawbone structures. This technique involves placing four dental implants in strategic locations within the jawbone. This means that even if you have poor bone density, you may still be a candidate for this procedure without requiring additional bone grafting surgery.
  • Furthermore, individuals who desire a complete restoration of their smile can find great satisfaction in opting for all-on-4 implants. Whether you're missing all your teeth on the upper arch, lower arch, or both, this treatment provides comprehensive support and stability.
  • When placing implants traditionally to replace one or several teeth, we need to wait several months for the implant to integrate with your bone before a tooth or crown can be placed on the implant. With the all-on-4 technique, the implants are placed strategically, connected for strength, and can support permanent teeth immediately.
  • If you are tired of having to use adhesive to hold dentures in place, or you're embarrassed to eat out with friends and family, this may be the solution for you. Imagine, after years of struggling, you can regain confidence in eating and smiling in just one visit.
  • The whole treatment is planned by taking a CT scan to measure the bone and to pre-plan the placement of implants. The pre-made custom teeth are attached gently to the implants, and you are done. You can eat your favorite foods on the same day.

By catering to individuals with significant tooth loss or compromised jawbone structure, all-on-4 implants in Bay Ridge, NY, provide an effective alternative to traditional dentures or bridges.

Explaining the All-on-4 Implants Procedure

The all-on-4 dental implant procedure is a revolutionary solution for individuals who have lost all or most of their teeth. This innovative technique involves the placement of four dental implants in the jawbone to support a full set of artificial teeth.

Before beginning the all-on-4 implant procedure, a thorough examination and assessment are conducted by Dr. Herskovits at Brooklyn Smile. This includes taking x-rays, impressions, and possibly CT scans to determine the condition of your jawbone and surrounding structures.

Once you are deemed suitable for the procedure, any remaining natural teeth are extracted if necessary. Next, the dental implants are surgically placed into predetermined positions in your jawbone. These implants serve as sturdy anchors for your new set of replacement teeth.

After the initial surgery, there will be a healing period during which time osseointegration occurs - this is when the bone fuses with the titanium implants, creating a strong foundation. During this period, temporary teeth are fixed to the implants to ensure functionality and esthetic until the healing is complete. These teeth do not move. 

Once osseointegration is complete, your permanent prosthetic arch can be attached to the implants. This arch consists of realistic-looking artificial teeth that are designed to match your natural smile perfectly.

With proper care and maintenance, all-on-4 dental implants can provide long-lasting results that improve both function and appearance. Regular check-ups with Dr. Herskovits, will ensure that everything remains healthy and functional over time.


All-on-4 dental implants in Brooklyn, NY, offer a reliable and effective solution for individuals who have lost multiple teeth or are facing complete tooth loss. This innovative dental procedure provides patients with the ability to restore their smile, regain confidence, and enjoy improved oral health.

By anchoring four dental implants into the jawbone, all-on-4 implants provide a stable foundation for a full arch of prosthetic teeth. This eliminates the need for removable dentures and allows patients to experience the look, feel, and functionality of natural teeth.

Not only do all-on-4 dental implants provide esthetic benefits, but they also enhance overall oral health. While not everyone may be a suitable candidate for all-on-4 dental implants, many individuals can benefit greatly from this procedure. It is always best to consult with Dr. Herskovits to determine if you are an ideal candidate.

All-on-4 dental implants have revolutionized restorative dentistry by providing a long-lasting solution for those needing extensive tooth replacement. With the ability to restore both function and esthetics effectively while promoting optimal oral health outcomes in eligible candidates – it's no wonder why more people are choosing all-on-4 dental implants as their preferred treatment option! Visit Brooklyn Smile at 9412 4th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11209, or call (718) 745-3456 to learn more.


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